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    YBBP series three phase fameproof asynchronous variable frequency adjustable-speed motors


YBBP series three phase fameproof asynchronous variable frequency adjustable-speed motors are in accordance to nationalstandard GB3836.1 Explosive Atmosphere Electrcal Apparatus, Part 1, General Requirements and national standard GB3836.2Explosive Atmosphere Electical Apparatus, Part 2, Apparatus vith Flameproof Type " a"Enclosure.Electrical performance is inconformity with JBT 11201.1-2011 Flameproof Variable Frequency Aojustable-speed Motor Specifications, Part 1,YBBP SeriesThree Phase Flameproof Asynchronous Variable Frequency Adjustable-Speed Motors ( frame sizes 80-355). Separated enforcedcooling fan is mounted to the back of the electric motor, the mounting dimensions are the same as that of YB2,YB3 and YBX3series motors.The electric motor voltage is usually 38ov and frequency 50Hz.

YBBP series three phase flameproof asynchronous variable frequancy adjustable-speed motors match with variable frequencydevices. lt has good adjustable speed perfomance, save energ ,large margin for temperature rise, long service life, good perfomance, low noise, advance flameproof structure, reliable running and easy maintenance etc.The speed is adjusted by changing thefrequency, which make wide adjustable speed, high overload capacity , it is suitable for underground coal mine (non-mining face) andplants that have explosive atmosphere specilied in the above standards as operation site cloctic drive. This series of electic motorsis widely used in light industries textile, chermical, petroleum, metallurgy, machine lool and purmp industies.



Tel :+86-318-6982656  +86-318-2150842

Web site : www.china-ox-motor.com

E-mail : henry@China-ox-motor.com

Facebook: henryliu19750803@gmail.com

Linkedin: 415794793@qq.com

Address :The North of Xinquanwu Rd,East of Zhenhuanxin Rd,Lubei Economin Development Zone Hengshui,Hebei,China.