Y, YX,YKK, YXKK, YKS, YR, YRKK, YRKS senies high vltage three phase asynchronous motors are series of productsdesigned and manufactured by our company with advanced technology at home and abroad and combined with our company's practical experience in producing electic motors. It has the advantages such as compact structure, light weight, high eflicienogy,
energy saving. low noise and vibration, rliable operation, long service lfe and easy nstallation and maintenance,This series adopt Insulation Class F with Class B temperature rise, rated frequency 50HZ and rated voltages 3kV, 6kV and 10kV.60HZ and other voltages are avalable for customization.The basic nstallation method is horizontal with feet (IM B3).
Y and YR are the basic series, YKS, YKK, YRKK and YRKS are denived classes with dfferent cooling methods and protectiondegrees.
Y, YR, YKK, YKS, YRKK, YRKS fealures are listed in the table below.These senies accord with IEC standard, comply with GB755 Rotating Electrical Machines- Raing and Perfomance.
These series electric motors can be used for driving various machines, such as compressors, ventlators, pumps, stock- -removingmachines, transportation machnos and other machine equpment. It is used in mines. machinery industry. potrochemical industry,power plants and various industral and mining enterprlses as pime molors. To ditve machines or equipment that have high rcational
inertia。such as air blowers,∞oal mils, rlling mills, winding engines, crushers and blt conveyors, the buyer need to providetechnical secications when placing purchase order. Technical agreement wil be signed as design consideration and ensurereliable operation of the specifc electric motors.
Basic conditions for normal operation:
a.Alitude bellow 1000 meters
b.The highest ambient temperature is less than 40C, the lowest ambient temperature is -15C for roling bearings and 5C forsliding bearings.
c.The highest monthly mean relative humidity is 90% while monthly mean lowest temperature is less than 25C.
d.Power supply frequency is 50Hz土19%,
e.Soope range of the fluctuation of Operation voltage is less than土5% of the rated voltage..
f.Work duty is S1
III.Model Name Designation
Model name is onstiuted by two parts, product code and type code, putin order. Product code is represented by seres code.
Y squlrel cage rotor three phase asynchronous motor
YKS tally enclosed squirel cage roltor three phase asynchronous molor with alr water cooler.
YKK tally enclosed squlmel cage roltor three phaso asynchronous molor with alr- air cooler.
YR wound rotor three phase asynchronous motor.
YRKS lotally endlosed wound rotor three phase asynchronous motor with alr -water cooler.
YRKK totally enclosed wound rotor three phase asynchronous motor with air-air cooler.
Y and YR are baesic series, endosure protecion degree is IP23. Cooling method is IC01, replacing the top hood with other types ofenclosure (or coolen). it can be changed to other series as YKS, YRKS (air-water cooler) YKK, YRKK (air- air cooler).The electic motor adopts intemational popular box strudure. The housing is fabricated with steel plate, it has good sifness and light
weight The intemal components and partis are visible and acessble when the prolective enclosure is taken off. It is convenient
for nitalltion and maintenance.
The stator is press fting. windings adopt Class F insulation and anti- corona matenial. The end windings have rlliable fixation and firm binding- The whole stator is impregnated in vacuum pressure tank with Class F sovent-free vamish, Ater VPI process, the electric motors possess excellent and rliable isulation, damp- proofing and shock resistance perfomance.
Squiel cage rotor has two types, aluminum casting and copper bars, adopt advanced and rliablel aluminum die casting process or welding process. Wound rotor use Class F insulation matenial, VPI processed with solvent- -free varnish, ensure electric motor smooth and reliable running .
The bearings have two types, rlling bearings and sliding bearings. What type is adopted depends on electric motor power and speed. Its prolection degree is either IP44 or IP54.
The electic motors with ring bearings have greasing and discharging devce, which enable no- stop operation. Spedal geasngools are equpped.
The main teminal box is sealed stnudure with protection degree IP54, which is mounted on the right side seeing from shatt side. It can be mounted on the lett side per customer' s request too. Cable inlets are available on top, bottom, let and right four directions.
Ground teminals are nalld inside and outsidse he main terminal box.
Temperature measuring device can be mounted to the windings and bearngs per customers' requst, it makes asy for on- steins poction and remole monitoring. ensure relable operation.
V.Starting of squirrel- cage asynchronous motor (Y, YKS, YKK series)
The rotor design of squirrel- cage asynchronous motor adopts advanced computer technology to calculate starting temperature rise and stress, prewent the electric motor from earty damage caused by starting overload.
Suggest user check:
(1). Roalional inertia of the driven machine, which an' t exceed load inertia value in technical data sheet
(2). The gnd vltage ensures that motor terminal wllage is not less than 85% of the ated vllage during stating.
(3). The resistant moment of the diven machines is of resistant moment characeistics ol walter pumps and air blowers.
Under these conditions, the eledric motors are pemissible to sart twioe in the cold state, between two starts are nomal downtime.
One start s pemissible in hot condion. Beyond the above lmits, any more start will be one hour later from last stop.
It the rotating moment of mechanical rotation part diven by the eloctric motor exceeds pemissble load data J in tchnical data sheet,
or the eletnic motors sart frequenty or start with load, it' S necessary to disauss with our company in aovance so that we make
spedic design and ensure rlable starting.
VI.Ordering Instruction
Please specity the fllowing when ordering (examples are in the bracketb)
(1),Eletic motor type (5001-4)
(2). Rated frequency (50Hz)
(3),Rated power (1000kW)
(4). Rated vltage (6kV)
(5),.Poles (4P)
(6). Prolecdion degree (IP23)
(7). Coling method (IC01)
(8). Iialltin Method (IMO3)
(9). Rotatin direction: dokwises (Seeing from shaft end)
(10). Terminal box positon: Right side (Seeing from shaft end)
(11). Service envirorment (litude≤1000m. ambient temperature -10C-40C)
A. Check the moment of iertia of the driven machine( convert to the speed of the electic motor, refer to Part V: Starting of
squirrel- cage asynchronous motor (Y, YKS, YKK seres)
B. If the operation conditins are changed or there are any specdal requirements, another technical agreement will be signed
C. Technical perfomance and dlata are design certifled value.
D. Along with technology development and mdication of the relevant standard, the technical data in the catalog may be
changed without nticatin, Request the outine drawing from our company.